What are the benefits of figs?
Rich in vitamin B6:This vitamin is important for maintaining a healthy nervous and immune system.
Source of Vitamin C:A powerful antioxidant very good for skin and bones.
High fiber content:It helps improve intestinal transit and digestive health.
Mineral source:They contain potassium and calcium, very beneficial for muscles and bones.
How should figs be eaten?
You have two options: with skin or without skin. Yes, you read that right!You can peel the figs and eat them inside or you can wash them well and eat them with the skin on; yes, cutting the stem first. The skin of the fig can be pale green, black or purple, depending on the variety, and its texture is very fine and soft.
What is the difference between fig and fig?
We’re sure you’ve asked yourself this question at some point. Well, the breva is the first fruit of the fig tree, produced annually at the end of spring, and comes from the buds of the flower that have not bloomed and have remained dormant during the winter. On the other hand, figs proper are the fruits that are produced in the summer-autumn.
The 2 best known varieties of figs
Figs Coll de Dama: They are a larger variety than other figs and have a pear-like shape, but smaller. They stand out for their intense sweetness and a dark purple pulp.
Black figs: Smaller and with less neck. Sweet flavor and thin skin.
How do you know if a fig is ripe?
Here are two tricks to know when a fig is ripe:
View: it should have small cracks or wrinkles in the skin.
Touch: when touching the skin it must yield.
You know how to choose the best and sweetest figs. Put it into practice!
With all the information we have given you, all we have to do is encourage you to eat this seasonal fruit full of properties for your health. You can eat figs in the morning, mid-morning, for dessert or as a snack. Eat them alone, with yogurt, toast or on top of a coquette. And if you prefer dessert, take note of this recipe taught by Cintet: a fig cake.